What sandwiches do you prefer:

Fish or caviar butter
None of the above

Technological flow

The first stage of the production technological flow is the determination of requirements to the raw materials, where the essential criteria are being «natural», production conditions and suppliers. It should be noted that in the production cycle genetically modified ingredients are not used, which is unchangeably determined by the company policy in the area of quality and safety. Raw materials undergo multilevel control. The company is especially proud of its complex system of water treatment, which is in the consistent mechanical water purification, ozonization, softening and dechloridation. In the result of this treatment the water by its physical and chemical, toxicological and bacteriological indices meets the requirements of European standards, and by its taste characteristics is similar to spring water.

Economical conditions of raw materials treatment ensuring safety, enable to provide maximum possible food and biological value of the finished products.
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Identification of critical control points in the production flow, computerization of the technological parameters control system enables most efficiently carry out multilevel control and eliminate the production of defected products.
A breakthrough at the present stage of development is technical modernization of the production, which secures steadily growing product output, and this provides for not only availability of corresponding technological cycles but also arrangement of all the organization-and-technological structure and management, optimization of technological processes.
An important aspect in providing the production cycle is well-setup equipment operation (made by home and foreign manufacturers), among which there is a unique machine – created under the in-house designs, which enables to direct the accumulated experience to the production development and optimization.



High professional level of the management team, scientific, engineering personnel and competence of the personnel ensuring no-fault system work aimed at obtaining the result, constant enhancement of the technological flow are the core components of the production operation and considerable contribution into the team work of the company.